The 'end' times has proven effectual for the org., since it's inception. It has kept to keep a handle on its followers.
Today's 'terrorists' propaganda keeps the people in a state of 'fear' and under control. You gotta have some type 'gimmick' to control the masses. How many of us are sucked in daily with great sales pitches? If I guaranteed your security would your ears perk-up?
If people weren't so apathetic, it would be a different picture. When something appeals to our selfish craving, how many of us cave -in? How many people bought into the famous last words, "The war to end all wars?"
The org., uses Peter's question, "Lord, whom shall we go away to?" You have saying of everlasting life;" The org. gives the 'false' impression (taking on the role of Christ) that it is them that they must 'go away to." Peter was very plain, it was to Jesus and not the 'then' existing religious system that had saying of everlasting life.
Guest 77